Hycon OS is AOSP Based ROM with many pixel features & Customizations. We always try to improve it’s stability and performance for better & smooth, lagfree experience.
11th September, 2021
- Compiled with clang 13.
- Latest September Patch Merged android-11.0.0_r43
- Fixed Safety Net Issues and by defalut it will pass
- Some other improvements and bug fixes.
- Misc Improvements
21st August, 2021
- Merged August ASB (android-11.0.0_r40) .
- Improved status bar padding
- Added Realme Dirac support .
- Enhanced Stability and overall performance of device.
- Misc Improvements
- Shipped with N.E.O.L.I.T-V2 kernel.
- Added fps: indicator in FPS overaly. </ul></p> </details>
- Merge July security patch
- HyconOS source Upstream
- Improved performance
- Some misc addition
- Some other improvements and bug fixes.
- Misc improvements.
- Merged June ASB (android-11.0.0_r38)
- Hycon OS source upstream.
- Added GCam GO as prebuilt-app.
- Fixed blur
- Fixed long press key reboot.
- Fixed audio in Wifi calls.
- Source Built kernel.
- Some other improvements and bug fixes.
- Misc improvements.
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